Helping law firms to succeed
with litigation finance

Litigation can be an expensive and lengthy process for law firms and traditional bank funding is usually not an option. That is why litigation funders like Fenchurch Legal exist – to remove financial barriers and help law firms to succeed.

Our funding solutions comprise of short-term tailored loans of between 6-24 months with interest front-loaded and capital returned at maturity. Our loans are made directly on a case-by-case basis and we only fund cases that are fully insured by an ATE insurance policy.

Sharp angles of a modern glass building represent Fenchurch Legal's precise and innovative approach to litigation funding.

We offer two products to fund Disbursements and WIP.

Our Products

The ATE market operates differently from the traditional litigation market, whereby any agreed costs and disbursements that are covered by an ATE insurance policy are recoverable if a case is unsuccessful. This unique feature gives you peace of mind about the repayment on failed cases as the ATE insurance policy repays the costs back to Fenchurch Legal directly

What we fund

We fund a range of cases covered by ATE insurance policies including:

Housing Disrepair


Financial Mis-selling

Tenancy Deposit

Personal Contract Payments

Business Interruption

If you have another type of case that you wish to fund, please get in touch as we are always happy to consider alternative cases